The Mind-Body Connection
Every cell in the body suffers or grows, receives a life-impulse or a death-impulse, from every thought that enters the mind, for you tend to grow into the image of that which you think about most.
In modern medicine, the affect of the mind in relation to people's physical health, is totally ignored. Yet it was proved in the early 1970s by Robert Ader Ph.D. that the immune system could be psychologically conditioned to perform a certain way. In a laboratory study, Ader fed rats saccharine while simultaneously giving them an immunosuppressive drug that caused an upset stomach. After just one dose of the sweetener with the medication, the rats learned to avoid the saccharine, because they associated it with stomach discomfort. The more of the stomach-upsetting drug they received, the greater their avoidance of the saccharine.
The study was then repeated using only the saccharine, and, much to Ader's surprise, many of the rats died. Then he figured it out: Even when the rats did not receive the drug, their bodies associated the saccharine with the suppression of immune function; in response, their immune systems actually became weaker. In other words, Ader had conditioned an immunosuppressive response. The experiment led to a then-radical conclusion: The mind and the immune system are linked.
Another significant discovery was by Candace Pert, Ph.D., a scientist at Johns Hopkins University. She discovered peptides and found that emotions trigger the release of peptides, which then travel to receptors throughout the body.
She calls peptides the molecules of emotion. "A feeling sparked in your mind will translate as a peptide being released somewhere," said Pert. "Peptides regulate every aspect of your body, from whether you're going to digest your food properly to whether you're going to destroy a tumor cell."
Peptide receptors, which are found in the organs, endocrine glands, skin, muscle, and other body tissues, store emotional information received from the peptides. Therefore, emotional memories can be stored not only in the brain, but also in many places in the body. This explains why, for example, people have "gut feelings" or why memories and emotions sometimes pop up during massage or acupuncture--because emotional memories "live" in the body's tissues.
The discovery of peptides and peptide receptors offered, for the first time, tangible evidence of the actual physical exchange between mind and body and the biochemical basis of emotion.
When your body is in balance, peptides and receptors are able to do their jobs correctly, but when the body is thrown out of balance by intense emotions, the system works less effectively. For example, nervousness might cause a peptide miscommunication that would result in too much water being held in the intestines, and thus, diarrhoea - a direct physical result of an emotional state.
Fighting off and healing from disease requires a strong immune system and balanced emotions. It's never an either-or situation: The immune system works well when your system of peptides and receptors is in balance, and the peptide system is in balance when you are emotionally strong and healthy. So, when you're dealing with difficult emotions, both your peptide and immune systems may be compromised. That's why it's important to stay emotionally healthy - not an easy task in this stressful world.
Healing emotional stress can be complicated, but it's worthwhile because of the positive effect this can have on your immune system. Finding a way to let go of deep-seated anger, for example, can boost your immunity. "Anger and blaming others takes a lot of energy away from healing," Pert said. "One of the most powerful emotions that has to be expressed is forgiveness."
Our programme includes sessions with a Clinical Psychologist to help you to release difficult emotions - some of which you may not even be aware of. We believe that releasing emotional trauma is fundamental to healing. Contact us to find out more.
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