If you'd like to learn more about health, nutrition, fighting disease and real changes you can make to improve your health, then come along to one of our seminars.
You'll be amazed at what you'll learn.
Each seminar provides factual information about diet, how the food we eat is processed within the body and how this can affect us positively or negatively. We'll cover what promotes the spread of disease in the body, and also what the triggers are for those who are genetically predisposed to certain conditions.
We'll also talk about whether it is really possible to reverse disease and how other people have achieved this. Changing your diet is a big step, and won't be right for everyone right now, but there are other simple changes you can make that will make you healthier, and less prone to ill health.
If you have any questions about the seminars, or anything else, then please contact us.
Please note: We are not about converting people to any particular diet. Our aim is to educate people so they can make an informed decision about their diet and lifestyle, so we can help people to help themselves.