Our Programmes
We have the following programmes and services:
Fertility Programme
For Unexplained Infertility and Low Sperm Count
When we have unexplained infertility it is often because something in our bodies isn’t quite right, and it isn’t one of the issues identified by the fertility tests carried out for men or women.
Something we often forget is that our bodies function because of the nutrients we give it through our food. If we don’t consume all the nutrients we need then our bodies will not function fully.
Our Fertility Programme costs £600 includes:
- One initial consultation, plus two follow ups;
- whole food supplements;
- recipes and menu ideas;
- and above all - education – so you can understand why you’re doing what we suggest, and why it will help you.
If you'd like to learn more, or you'd like to arrange and apointment for a consutation, then you can either call us on 020 8090 2324 or email us. A consultation costs £100, and will be deducted from the cost of the programme if you decide to go ahead.
Detox Programme
For improved health and increased energy
Our detox programme is a 3-day live food liquid cleanse. We provide a consultation to talk you through what to expect on your detox programme and how it works, including all the instructions you'll need, and we order all of the equipment and ingredients to arrive at your door!
The cleanse includes:
- Nutritious Green Juices
- Raw Soups
- Herbal Teas
- Coconut water
- Wheatgrass juice and
- Mineral rich blue-green algae
Green juices are alkalizing to the body and are absorbed straight away. They are rich in chlorophyll, enzymes, oxygen, minerals, vitamins, protein and phytochemicals.
Raw soups are high in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and are flavourful and very filling.
Wheatgrass juice contains 92 of the 102 minerals found in the soil. It's a blood cleaner and detoxifying agent that increases enzyme levels, builds red blood cells, aids digestion and regenerates the liver. A 2oz shot of wheatgrass contains as much nutrition as 3lbs of fresh green vegetables.
Coconut water is an amazing electrolyte drink rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium. Coconut water is identical to human blood plasma, and is used as an intravenous hydration fluid in some developing countries where medical saline is unavailable.
Herbal teas are great to warm you up on a cold day and can be really relaxing too.
Blue-green algae has:
- 6 x more antioxidants than blueberries
- 6 x more protein than eggs
- 22 x more iron than spinach
- 5 x more fibre than oats
- 2 x more chlorophyll than wheatgrass juice
- 6 x more calcium than milk and
- 9 x more betacarotene than carrots!
Why Cleanse?
Whether we realise it or not, we are exposed to various toxins every day. There are chemicals and pollutants in our food, water, in our cleaning products, and in the air we breathe. These toxins build up in our bodies and can cause a variety of health conditions including fatigue, allergies, headaches, mood swings and chronic disease.
To be able to benefit from good health physically and emotionally we need to regularly cleanse our bodies by providing them with the nutrients it needs. This cleanse allows your digestive system to rest while your body releases toxins and heals itself naturally.
Why try our detox programme?
Our programme contains organic, vegan, live juice and superfoods that flood your body with nutrients and help cleanse the body to eliminate toxins, improve digestion and normalise metabolism while you rejuvenate, alkalise and re-energise!
During your cleanse you will not feel hungry as you are flooding your body with vital nutrients.
Cleansing and juicing can help:
* Increase energy * Shed unwanted weight quickly * Improve mental clarity and focus * Lift your mood *
* Detox environmental pollutants * Improve digestion * Alkalise the body * Boost the immune system *
* Promote clearer skin * Put paid to caffeine and other unwanted addictions * Boost metabolism * Cleanse the colon and digestive tract *
* Reverse chronic fatigue * Alleviate allergies * Balance hormones * Prevent colds and flu *
* Increase skin elasticity * Relieve PMS symptoms * Balance blood pressure * Improve sleep patterns *
* Reduce joint pain * Increase fertility * Alleviate headaches * and these foods are anti-aging! *
This three day programme costs £500 (but this can be adapted if you already have the required juicer). Contact us if you'd like to cleanse your body and feel energised!
Programme for those with serious Health Challenges
Immune system boosting, and maximising nutritional intake
This programme is not only about nutrition – and the education surrounding it – it's about detoxifying the body physically and psychologically, so your body is able to heal itself. The foods you will be eating will mean that the body will start to eliminate toxins. The treatments included are specifically chosen so they may assist with the elimination process so the body is not overburdened.
The programme lasts for three months and includes the following:
• Three consultations (lasting one to two hours each) one month apart. The first consultation is to teach you about nutrition and the food plan to be followed, and the two follow-ups are to review your progress.
• A basic exercise programme - People heal 8 times faster if they do 35 minutes aerobic exercise 5 times a week.
• A juicer that's strong enough to enable you to prepare the necessary juices, which doesn't oxidise them so they maintain their nutritional value.
• Two trays of wheatgrass and two trays of sunflower sprouts so you can start juicing straight away until you grow your own (or continue to buy the trays from a supplier).
• A Sprouting Starter Kit including seeds, sprouter, wheatgrass growing kit and fertiliser (so you can grow the wheatgrass and sunflower sprouts yourself).
• Colon Hydrotherapy – see here for the benefits.
• Psychotherapy – see here to understand the benefits.
• Swedish Massage – see here for the benefits.
• Reflexology - see here for the benefits
• One month loan of a Low Level Light Laser - see here for the benefits.
• One month loan of an Infrared Sauna - see here for the benefits.
• Your first bottle of each of the suggested supplements.
• Unlimited support – just contact us.
The programme costs £2,600. If you need help with funding you can contact www.yestolife.org.uk. We provide all of our clients with a form to complete and return to Yes to Life to see if they are eligible for funding support.
Before embarking on this you may prefer to come for an initial consultation so the full programme can be explained to you. The initial consultation costs £250. During this consultation, other than the education behind the programme, you will receive a DVD, two of the bottles of the recommended supplements and a recipe hand out. You can then make an informed decision as to how you wish to proceed once you have all of this information. If you do then decide to go through our programme, then your £250 will be deducted from the cost of the full programme.
If you’d like to learn more, or you’d like to arrange an appointment for a consultation, then you can either call us on 020 8090 2324 or email us.
Services for Hippocrates Health Institute Guests
Helping you to settle into your new lifestyle
Having lived in the amazing Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) bubble ourselves, we totally understand how it feels when you come back home where suddenly you're very different to everybody else. Everyone questions everything you eat and have been taught, that sounded so logical at HHI, but feels very lonely now there are no like-minded people around.
Look no further - we are just like you! We'd love to help you settle into your new lifestyle from helping you to set up your kitchen, teaching you where to shop, or just clarifying things a little for you - after all, it's a lot to learn. Even if you'd just like to chat to someone who lives the same lifestyle as you then just give us a call or drop us an email - we don't charge for making new friends!